

♥.. 我對你衝動…因為我愛你


your future must have me =)

爱情就是两人相爱 = ♥

我要的爱太完美 你永远学不会 ...T.T...
I will love too perfect,but you never learn =(

伱给予的伤害 没人懂。 我不说 你不懂 =)
You know not to damage.
I donot say u don't understand.../I don't blame you\ i will fine=)


那一天,星空沉下了,我们见面 =D
我只渴望在未来的每个夜里,有你一句安心的 \晚安/ 。
这样,我想我会更安心入眠...甚至微笑着入梦 :-)

the distance >,<
哪怕距离多遥远 =]

I said it: I have no enough time to participate in your past, but your future must have me =)

我就是这样爱你 =D

LOVE= We think about it,dream about it,lose sleep worrying about it.
When we don't have it we search for it and when we discover it we don't know what to do with it.
We fear losing it. It is our source for pleasure & pain but we can't predict which it will be from one moment to the next.

